A beautiful kitchen is a comfort zone for cooking
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Beauty tips
Pimple Cure At Home
Pimples can disappear without scars by rubbing garlic on pimples several times a day.
Mix a teaspoon of honey with half teaspoon each of camphor lotion and tomato juice.
Apply this mixture on the pimples and wash after fifteen minutes with lukewarm water followed by cold water.
This also helps lighten spots or marks left by pimples
Home Remedies For Blackheads
Mix one teaspoonful of groundnut oil with one teaspoonful of fresh lime juice and apply on the face to prevent formation of blackheads.
Make a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves and apply on your face for 10-15 minutes every night and wash the face with warm water.
Make paste of sandalwood and turmeric mixed with milk and apply on the affected area.
Health & Beauty Tips
Health and Beauty
Cool sunburned skin
What can you do when you forget to use sunscreen and have to pay the price with a painful burn? A few wet tea bags applied to the affected skin will take out the sting. This works well for other types of minor burns (i.e., from a teapot or steam iron) too. If the sunburn is too widespread to treat this way, put some tea bags in your bathwater and soak your whole body in the tub.Relieve your tired eyes
Revitalize tired, achy, or puffy eyes. Soak two tea bags in warm water and place them over your closed eyes for 20 minutes. The tannins in the tea act to reduce puffiness and soothe tired eyes.
Reduce razor burn
Ouch! Why didn't you remember to replace that razor blade before you started to shave? To soothe razor burn and relieve painful nicks and cuts, apply a wet tea bag to the affected area. And don't forget to replace the blade before your next shave.
Get the gray out
Turn gray hair dark again without an expensive trip to the salon or the use of chemical hair dyes. Make your own natural dye using brewed tea and herbs: Steep 3 tea bags in 1 cup boiling water. Add 1 tablespoon each of rosemary and sage (either fresh or dried) and let it stand overnight before straining. To use, shampoo as usual, and then pour or spray the mixture on your hair, making sure to saturate it thoroughly. Take care not to stain clothes. Blot with a towel and do not rinse. It may take several treatments to achieve desired results.
Condition dry hair
To give a natural shine to dry hair, use a quart (liter) of warm, unsweetened tea (freshly brewed or instant) as a final rinse after your regular shampoo.
Tan your skin with tea
Give pale skin a healthy tan appearance without exposure to dangerous ultraviolet rays. Brew 2 cups strong black tea, let it cool, and pour into a plastic spray bottle. Make sure your skin is clean and dry. Then spray the tea directly onto your skin and let it air-dry. Repeat as desired for a healthy-looking glowing tan. This will also work to give a man's face a more natural look after shaving off a beard.
Drain a boil
Drain a boil with a boiled tea bag! Cover a boil with a wet tea bag overnight and the boil should drain without pain by the time you wake up next morning.
Soothe nipples sore from nursing
When breast-feeding the baby leaves your nipples sore, treat them to an ice-cold bag of tea. Just brew a cup of tea, remove the bag, and place it in a cup of ice for about a minute. Then place the wet tea bag on the sore nipple and cover it with a nursing pad under your bra for several minutes while you enjoy a cup of tea. The tannic acid in the wet tea leaves will soothe and help heal the sore nipple.
Soothe those bleeding gums
The child may be all smiles later when the tooth fairy arrives, but right now those bleeding gums are no fun whatsoever. To stop the bleeding and soothe the pain from a lost or recently pulled tooth, wet a tea bag with cool water and press it directly onto the site.
Relieve baby's pain from injection
Is the baby still crying from that recent inoculation shot? Try wetting a tea bag and placing it over the site of the injection. Hold it gently in place until the crying stops. The tannic acid in the tea will soothe the soreness. You might try it on yourself the next time an injection leaves your arm sore.
Dry poison ivy rash
Dry a weepy poison ivy rash with strongly brewed tea. Simply dip a cotton ball into the tea, dab it on the affected area, and let it air-dry. Repeat as needed.
Stop foot odor
Put an end to smelly feet by giving them a daily tea bath. Just soak your tootsies in strongly brewed tea for 20 minutes a day and say good-bye to offensive odors.Make soothing mouthwash
To ease toothache or other mouth pain, rinse your mouth with a cup of hot peppermint tea mixed with a pinch or two of salt. Peppermint is an antiseptic and contains menthol, which alleviates pain on contact with skin surfaces. To make peppermint tea, boil 1 tablespoon fresh peppermint leaves in 1 cup water and steep for several minutes.
Around the House
Tenderize tough meat
Even the toughest cuts of meat will melt in your mouth after you marinate them in regular black tea. Here's how: Place 4 tablespoons black tea leaves in a pot of warm (not boiling) water and steep for 5 minutes. Strain to remove the leaves and stir in 1/2 cup brown sugar until it dissolves. Set aside. Season up to 3 pounds (1.5 kilograms) meat with salt, pepper, onion, and garlic powder, and place it in a Dutch oven. Pour the liquid over the seasoned meat and cook in a preheated 325°F (165°C) oven until the meat is fork tender, about 90 minutes.
Clean wood furniture and floors
Freshly brewed tea is great for cleaning wood furniture and floors. Just boil a couple of tea bags in a quart (liter) of water and let it cool. Dip a soft cloth in the tea, wring out the excess, and use it to wipe away dirt and grime. Buff dry with a clean, soft cloth.
Create "antique" fashions
Soak white lace or garments in a tea bath to create an antique beige, ecru, or ivory look. Use 3 tea bags for every 2 cups of boiling water and steep for 20 minutes. Let it cool for a few minutes before soaking the material for 10 minutes or more. The longer you let it soak, the darker the shade you will get.
Shine your mirrors
To make mirrors sparkle and shine, brew a pot of strong tea, let it cool, and then use it to clean the mirrors. Dampen a soft cloth in the tea and wipe it all over the surface of the mirrors. Then buff with a soft, dry cloth for a
sparkly, streak-free shine.
Control dust from fireplace ash
Keep dust from rising from the ashes when you clean out your fireplace. Before you begin cleaning, sprinkle wet tea leaves over the area. The tea will keep the ashes from spreading all over as you lift them out.
Perfume a sachet
Next time you make a sachet, try perfuming it with the fragrant aroma of your favorite herbal tea. Just open a few used herbal tea bags and spread the wet tea on some old newspaper to dry. Then use the dry tea as stuffing for the sachet.
In the Garden
Give roses a boost
Sprinkle new or used tea leaves (loose or in tea bags) around your rosebushes and cover with mulch to give them a midsummer boost. When you water the plants, the nutrients from the tea will be released into the soil, spurring growth. Roses love the tannic acid that occurs naturally in tea.
Feed your ferns
Schedule an occasional teatime for your ferns and other acid-loving houseplants. Substitute brewed tea when watering the plants. Or work wet tea leaves into the soil around the plants to give them a lush, luxuriant look.
Prepare planter for potting
For healthier potted plants, place a few used tea bags on top of the drainage layer at the bottom of the planter before potting. The tea bags will retain water and leach nutrients to the soil.
Enhance your compost pile
To speed up the decomposition process and enrich your compost, pour a few cups of strongly brewed tea into the heap. The liquid tea will hasten decomposition and draw acid-producing bacteria, creating desirable acid-rich compost.
Eyes tips
As you know your eyes are the most special and attractive part of your face. It plays a big role in your looks and personality. So they need a special care; make them more beautiful and attractive following these easy tips at your home.
• Always include Papaya, eggs, milk and leafy vegetables in your diet. It is mandatory to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day for healthy eyes. Water and chilled milk is always a good cleansing agent for eyes. For sparkling healthy eyes wash them frequently with water or milk.
• Dip a pad of cotton wool in a mix of rose water and 2-3 drops of Castor oil. Place these soaked pads on the eyelids. Remove it only after for 15-20 minutes. Eye burns and other problems will be reduced and your can feel that cool freshness in your eyes.
• Place Cotton pads dipped in a cold tea solution for an hour on the eyelids for 10 to 15 minutes and relax.
• If your eyes are tired, dip cotton pads in a bowl of chilled milk and place on closed eyes for about 10 minutes and relax. You can feel freshness in your eyes.
• Make a fine paste with 1 tsp Tomato pulp, 1 pinch Turmeric powder, ½ tsp lime juice and 1 tsp gram flour. Apply this gently on the eye lids. Remove it gently with a moist cotton pad after half an hour. Repeat this for a week; Dark circles of your eyes can be reduced easily.
• Mix 1tsp honey with ½ tsp of almond oil. Apply the above mixture gently on your eyelids at night. Wash eyes on morning. Repeat this for a week so that you can avoid deep sunken eyes.
• Slice a raw Potato and circle the closed eyes with these slices. Or squeeze the juice of potato and soak muslin cloth in it. Place these on the eyes and relax remove it after 15-20 minutes. This is a good remedy against puffed eyes.
• If you are a computer professional and always busy in front of the computer monitor, splash cold water on your eyes at frequent intervals, you will be more relaxed and eyes will remain healthy.
• A good scalp massage with curd or hair oil and is an indirect way to cure redness and itching in your eyes.
• Cucumber, rich in Vitamin A, C and calcium is known for its soothing properties and it can relax eyes without dark circles and redness. Cucumber water or thin slices of it can be applied to eye lids. Leave it there for 15 minutes.
Beautiful eyes tips
Mix the following and fill it in airtight bottle:
1/3 cup Olive oil
1/3 cup Castor Oil
1/3 almond oil
1- Apply oil mixture to your eyelashes (and eyebrows if u have v thin brows). Leave it on overnight.
2- Use an oily eye makeup remover to take it off in the morning or little massage with face wash on eyes also helps.
3- Rinse your eyes and eyebrows with warm water then with cool water.
4- Pat your face using any water based oil-cream.
5- Don't over dose it, use every alternative nights and see the difference
Herbal Breath Fresheners
Try some of the following proven herbal remedies if you have a problem with bad breath:
• Anise: Anise seeds are a liquorice flavoured seed that can kill the bacteria in your mouth as well as mask the odour. Other seeds worth trying are dill and cardamom.
• Cloves: Cloves are a powerful antiseptic. Make yourself a clove mouthwash. Steep 3-5 whole cloves in ½ a cup boiling water for about 20 minutes. Strain. Use twice a day.
• Thyme: Thyme, another powerful antiseptic, is the power behind Listerine. Make a thyme mouthwash by steeping 2 tablespoons fresh thyme in ½ a cup boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain and use. For a fresh lemony mouthwash try lemon thyme.
• Spearmint: Spearmint is used in commercial toothpaste for its antiseptic and breath freshening properties. To make a spearmint mouthwash see thyme above. If you don’t have spearmint try garden mint or peppermint. For kids try lemony eau de cologne mint.
• Parsley: Try chewing on a few sprigs of parsley. Parsley has been used for thousands of years in the promotion of sweet smelling breath. It’s especially good for garlic breath. Its high chlorophyll content is the secret behind commercial breath fresheners like Clorets.
• Fennel: There are two ways that you can use fennel to fight bad breath: (1) chew the leaves slowly so that saliva builds up in your mouth, or (2) pound some fresh leaves with baking soda into a paste. Use this paste to brush your teeth, gums, and tongue.
The above tips will help to keep your breath sweet smelling.
Remember if you are looking for a long term solution you need to find out the cause of your bad breath.
Sour Mango Curry
4 Mangoes (half ripped green colour each Cut in to 4 pieces green skin removed)
2 Onions choped
Little Curry leaves
2 Green chilie
3 pieces Garlic
3 Cardamom
Little Cinnamon
1/2 spoon Mustard
2 spoon Dried Red Chilie grinded in to pieces
4 spoon coconut oil
4 spoon suger
Salt according to taste
Add oil 2 da heated pan.
after the oil got heated add Cardamom, Cinnamon, Mustard and den after a 20 seconds add Garlic, Curry leaves, Onion and Green chilie and lstir well and leav it for 30 seconds..
Then add Mangoes and Salt and leave it till the Mangoes get half boiled. And then add Suger and add Dried Red Chilie grinded in to pieces stir well and leave it to fully boiled. And take it out of the cooker..
U can taste it with Rice and Curry, Rotty, Bread. And it is more tasty with Mathubouse Rice and Buryani..
*Cheesy Chicken & Potato Balls*
4 potatoes(boiled n mashed)
Chicken breast (boiled n shredded)
2tbsp green coriander leaves
2tbsp Cornflour(heaped)
1 green chilli(thinly sliced)
1 egg (for frying)
1tsp salt (or a/c to your taste)
1/2tsp black pepper
1/4 red chilli powder
bread crumbs (for frying)
1 packet of puck shredded mozarella cheese
In a bowl put boiled potatoes,mash & mix sheredded chicken,mozarella cheese.
Now put black pepper,salt,green chilli,red chilli powder & coriander leaves.
Make balls of the mixture with the help of palm(balls should be of same size) & let them stand in the fridge for about
Beat one egg or put as much required a/c to mixture.
Roll into beaten egg then in breadcrumbs n cornflour.
Deep fry just for 2-3 mins
Serve hot with ketchup,mayo or chilli sauce!!
*Cheesy Chicken & Potato Balls*
4 potatoes(boiled n mashed)
Chicken breast (boiled n shredded)
2tbsp green coriander leaves
2tbsp Cornflour(heaped)
1 green chilli(thinly sliced)
1 egg (for frying)
1tsp salt (or a/c to your taste)
1/2tsp black pepper
1/4 red chilli powder
bread crumbs (for frying)
1 packet of puck shredded mozarella cheese
In a bowl put boiled potatoes,mash & mix sheredded chicken,mozarella cheese.
Now put black pepper,salt,green chilli,red chilli powder & coriander leaves.
Make balls of the mixture with the help of palm(balls should be of same size) & let them stand in the fridge for about
Beat one egg or put as much required a/c to mixture.
Roll into beaten egg then in breadcrumbs n cornflour.
Deep fry just for 2-3 mins
Serve hot with ketchup,mayo or chilli sauce!!
Masala Tea
Masala Tea
1 1/2 cups boiling water
2 Lipton Black Teabags
4 Elachi pods
2 Cinnamon Sticks
2 Cloves
1 Black peppercorn
a sprig of lemongrass
1 cup long life full cream milk
Bring water, teabags, spices and lemongrass to a boil. Allow to boil for a few minutes till strong. Add milk and bring to a boil once more. Do not leave the stove at this point as it can overflow faster than you can blink. Oversee boil till desired colour of tea is achieved. Strain and serve hot with sugar. serves two
TOP TIP: Experiment with the spicy flavors, by add a few slivers of fresh ginger whilst boiling
Aaaah..the ultimate cup of masala chai tea. Lifts the mood like nothing else :D Learn how to make it perfect every time !
*Cold Coffee*
*Cold Coffee*
It was a hit♥
Milk 1/2 litre
Vanilla ice cream 1 litre
Sugar 4 tbsp
Coffee 4 tbsp
Cream 1/2 cup
Pour milk,coffee powder,cream & sugar into the blender & blend well.
Then pour the vanilla ice cream & blend again.
Place a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the bottom of the glass,& pour the blended mixture.
Pinch of coffee powder for final garnishing.
Chill & Enjoy=))...
I brushed galaxy chocolate powder,along with coffee powder on the top!!.
Milk tea with Pound cake
Milk tea with Pound cake
Milk Tea:
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup water
1 tps tea leaves/tea bag
1 or 2 tps sugar to taste
boil milk + water
pour tea and let it boil for 5 minutes on low
serve on hot cup
add sugar and serve
Cappuccino with Choco
Handmade Cappuccino with Choco
1 teaspoons Coffee
2 teaspoons Milk powder
2 sugar (according to your taste)
1/4 teaspoon cadbury chocolate powder
1 Cup/Mug boiling Water
~Add all except water and mix well with the help of spoon
~add 2 teaspoon of warm water
~keep mixing till its fluffy and creamy , 3-5 mins
~pour boiling water
~See yourself
Salad with mustard oil seasoning
Salad with mustard oil seasoning
sliced onion
1 finely chopped chili
salt to taste
1 tbs mustard oil
mix all and serve it goes well with any dish :)
sliced onion
1 finely chopped chili
salt to taste
1 tbs mustard oil
mix all and serve it goes well with any dish :)
Simple Salad
1 small onion or 1 cup
1 green chilli or 1 tsp
1 small tomato or 1 cup
1 cucumber or 1 cup
Salt per taste
mix all lightly
sufficient for 4
Cucumber salad!
7-8 cucumbers
4green chilli
1 medium sized onion
Cut all of them into small pieces mix with tomato and green chilli And lemon !!!
Chocolate Cake
Super-easy chocolate cake
Ingredients (serves 6)
• 1 1/3 cups self raising flour
• 1/3 cup cocoa powder
• 1 cup caster sugar
• 1 cup milk
• 2 eggs
• 125g butter, melted, cooled
• 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
Chocolate icing
• 1 1/3 cups pure icing sugar
• 1 1/2 tablespoons cocoa powder
• 20g butter, at room temperature, chopped
1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Lightly grease a 6cm-deep, 20cm round cake pan. Line base with baking paper.
2. Sift flour and cocoa powder into a large bowl. Stir in sugar. Combine milk, eggs, melted butter and vanilla in a jug. Make a well in centre of flour mixture. Pour in milk mixture. Using an electric mixer, beat on low speed until combined. Increase speed to high. Beat for 3 to 4 minutes or until thick and creamy.
3. Pour mixture into prepared pan. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. Allow to cool in pan for 5 minutes. Turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.
4. To make chocolate icing sift icing sugar and cocoa powder into a bowl. Add butter and 1 tablespoon of boiling water. Stir until smooth. Spread icing over cake. Allow icing to set. Slice and serve.
Vanilla Cake-1
Milk-1 litre
Sugar-4 heaped tbsp
Custard Powder-4 levellled tbsp
Crumbled Marie Biscuit-1/2 packet
Almond-10-12 nos
Cashew Nut-10-12 nos
Pistachio-10-12 nos
Milk Chocolate-1 bar
Mix custard powder in a glass of milk & keep it aside.Boil rest of the milk.
Meanwhile layer the base of pudding dish with sliced vanilla cake.
Prick it properly with fork so that it absorbs custard well.
Now to the boiling milk,add sugar & custard mix.
Boil it low flame for 2 minutes & remove from fire.
Divide the custard into 3 portions.
Now pour custard over the cake & top it with chopped dry fruits.Pour the second portion over it & top it with biscuit.
Again pour the remaining custard & top it with pieces of chocolate.
U can also garnish it with dry fruits(optional)
NOTE-Custard should be hot while pouring into the dish so that cake & biscuit soak well in it.& also chocolate melt well.....
Milk-1/2 - 3/4 cup
Sugar-4 tbsp
Vanilla Extract-few drop (optional)
Milk Powder-1 tbsp
Pistachio-blanched & chopped(for garnish)
Mix egg & sugar well.Add milk drop by drop while stirring.
Add milk powder & mix well till it dissolves completely.
Now add vanilla extract & mix.
Pour the mixture in a well greased dish.
Steam it well till fully done.
Garnish with blanched & chopped pistachio or almond.
NOTE-Instead of vanilla extract,you can even use cardamom powder.
Egg - 1
Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
Milk powder - 1 cup
Maida - 1 teaspoon
Fresh milk - 4 cups or 1 litter
Sugar - according to your taste, I add usually 3 hipped tablespoon
Crashed Cardamom pods - 1
Vanilla essence - half teaspoon
Pistachios & Almonds (chopped) - To garnish
1. In a deep bottomed vessel add sugar with milk and crashed cardamom , keep the milk on law flame and let it be boiled.
2. In a mixing bowl mix all dry ingredients together...maida,milk powder,and baking powder.
3. Now, add in the egg(which is beaten lightly), vanilla essence and knead into a smooth dough. Don't knead too much, 1st it will be sticking to your hand but if you keep it for 3/4 minutes , the dough won't stick to your hand then.
4. Ball the dough to small shapes(as it will rise when cooked in milk). Now add immediately these balls into the boiled milk & let them be cooked. The balls will tend to swell up , Lower the heat to simmer.Cook the milk with the balls for another 8- 10 minutes. Shake the vessel lightly in between so you won't burn the dish.
5. After 10 minutes check a ball, If its cooked from inside, turn off the heat. If not, cook for another few minutes. Now, turn off the heat & let it cool.
6. Serve chilled & garnish with some pistachios and almonds before serving.
Enjoy :)
Chicken Nugget Pizza Recipe
Dough: (this can make upto 3 or 5 pizza depanding upon thickness)
1- All purpose flour (meda) 1kg
2- Milk powder 4 tablespoons
3- Yeast 4 tablespoons
4- Baking powder 2 tablespoons
5- Fresh Egg 2 Qty
6- Cooking oil 1/2 cup
7- Sugar 1 tablespoon
8- Salt to taste
Tomato sauce:
1- Cooking oil 2 table spoons
2- Finely Chop Onion 2 medium
3- Crush Garlic 4 cloves
4- Tomato 6 Qty
5- Tomato Puree 1 cup
6- Tomato ketchup 1 tablespoon
7- Fresh Basil leave 10-12 leaves
8- Oregano 1 table spoon
9- Vinegar 2 Table spoons
10- Finely chop Chilli according to taste
11- Salt & peper to taste
For Garnish:
1- Capsicum 1 big
2- Mshroom 1 can
3- Black olive 1 can
4- Chedder cheese
5- Mozzarella Cheese
6- Fried Chicken nugget & chopped
Knead dough with water and keep aside for 1-2 hours. and fry nuggets and make tomato paste on same pan (BASIL + Oregano is a must to make tomato sauce) and pure on flat dough and garnish accordingly
Bake it for 20 min at 180 degree
Yummy Buns
To make the dough
• 500 g flour
• 1 pinch of salt
• 20 g butter
• 25 g sugar
• 12 g fresh yeast
• 1 egg yolk
• 280 ml milk
• 50 g flour for dusting
To brush the top of the bun
• 1 egg, beaten with 2 tbsp water
• 1 tbsp sesame seeds
Make the dough
Start by getting the mixer ready as we're going to use it to make the dough.
Add to the bowl the flour, the pinch of salt, sugar, yeast, egg yolk, butter and finally pour in the milk and mix all the ingredients till it become tender.
Finally, dust some flour over a flat surface, put the dough in the centre and knead it with the palm of your hand. This will give it more texture and strength.
Knead for about 1 minute until the dough gets a velvety texture.
Leave the dough to rise
Place the dough in a bowl, cover it with a tea towel and leave it in a warm place to rise.
This should take about one and half hours.
Make the buns
Firstly, punch the dough down into the bowl to remove the air and peel it out.
Then dust a flat surface with flour and place the dough on top
Now cut it length ways
and across four times to make 10 buns.
Now take one of the buns and roll it into a long strip. Then hold both ends and tie it into a knot.
Leave the buns to rise
Place the buns on the baking tray lined with greaseproof paper and cover them with the tea towel.
Then leave them to rise for 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 190ºC or gas mark 5.
Prepare the buns for baking
After 30 minutes have passed, or when the buns have doubled in size we need to prepare them before baking.
Using a brush, generously coat each of the buns with the egg wash.
Then sprinkle over the sesame seeds
Bake the buns
Place the baking tray in the centre of the oven and bake the buns for 20 minutes.
When golden brown, remove the buns from the oven and serve while warm.
You can enjoy them alone with butter or try an endless list of fillings, from tuna and red onion or chocolate spread.
Spring roll with Schezwan sauce
For the rolls (pancake)
Sift 3 cups Maida (all purpose flour).
Add salt, to taste
black pepper, to taste
1 tbspoon butter
add a little sugar.
Add as much water as needed to knead it in a dough.
Make chapatis out of it and then semi-cook on a tawa.
Should just turn soft.
keep aside.
Take all the veggies you like.
Cabbage, carrot, beans, capsicum, spring onion etc.
All should be shredded or grated length wise (depending on the veggie).
You can also add shredded chicken.
In a pan put 1 spoon oil,
all the veggies that of your choice
salt, black pepper to your taste
ajinomoto (optional)
cheese or paneer,
Now take some fillings and place it in the pancake and roll it to form a tube like thingy.
Seal the ends with the cornflour paste. The below picture will help you in understanding this process better.
Pictorial tutorial to help you wrap up a Spring roll
Heat sufficient oil,
deep-fry two or three spring rolls at a time turning frequently,
crisp and golden brown.
Drain and place on an absorbent paper and serve hot with Schezwan Sauce
If you are baking it, make the rolls and grill it on 180 degrees for 15 minutes/ untill cooked.
Serve with schezwan sauce
Shami Kebab
Mutton- 1/2 kg
Chana dal (Gram lentil)- 1 bowl
Cinnamon- 1 piece
Cloves- 3-4
Cardamom- 3-4
Black Pepper pods- 1 spoon
Dry Red chilli- 2-3
Coriander seeds- 2 spoons
Garlic cloves- 12-15
Ginger- 1 small piece
salt to taste
Chat masala
Oil to fry
Egg/ bread crumbs (optional)
Onion- 1 small
Mint leaves- a handful
Green chilli- 1-2
Chop the onion, mint and green chillis very very fine. Add lemon juice, salt and mix well. Keep aside.
All the ingredients of the kebab, except oil, chat masala and salt, put it on boil. Boil till the meat and chana dal is tender. After it is done, gring it into a fine dough. There shouldn't be any pieces. Then add salt and chat masala. Mix well. If needed, add some red chilli powder.
Now take some meat dough and make spread it on your hand. Put in a lil bit of the filling and wrap the dough around it. Give it a flattened round shape. Fry it on a tava.
If you want you can also dip it in egg and fry, or roll it in breadcrumbs. This gives the kebabs some crunchiness.
Serve hot with onion and mint salad and green chutney :)
Monday, 26 December 2011
Mutard Seed (Black)
Black mustards are mainly used for culinary purposes.
Black mustards seeds are commonly seen in South Asia.
The seeds are sharp and more pungent smell.
Its used for medicinal purpose for treating stomach ache,constipation,bloating,amoebic dysentery and abortifacient.
Its also used for wound dressing.
Mustard seeds and oil may increase production of stomach acid.
Black Mustard has an high concentration of Vitamin K.
Nutmeg tree has two spices derived from the fruit,nutmeg & mace.
Mace is the dried lacy reddish covering or aril of the seed.
Mace is often preferred in light dishes for the bright orange, saffron-like hue it imparts.
Mace has been used as a flavoring and folk medicine for a range of ills, such as diarrhea, insomnia, and rheumatism.
Studies show mace has anticancer,antifungal,antibacterial,anti-inflammatory,and larvicidal properties
The nutmeg tree is important for two spices derived from the fruit nutmeg and mace.
Nutmeg is the actual seed of the tree which is roughly egg shaped.
Nutmeg has slightly sweeter flavour which is used in powdered form.
In Indian Cuisine,nutmeg is used in many sweet as well as savoury dishes (predominantly in Mughlai Cuisine).
It is also added in small quantities as a medicine for infants.
It may also be used in small quantities in garam masala.
Ground nutmeg is also smoked in India.
In Middle Eastern Cuisine, ground nutmeg is often used as a spice for savoury dishes.
the 19th century it was used as an abortifacient, which led to numerous recorded cases of nutmeg poisoning.
Although used as a folk treatment for other ailments, nutmeg has no proven medicinal value today.
White Sesame Seed
Sesame is a flowering plant grown primarily for its oil-rich seeds, which come in a variety of colors, from cream-white to charcoal-black.
Sesame seeds are sometimes added to breads, including bagels and the tops of hamburger buns.
The seeds of the sesame are are a good source of calcium.
Sesame seeds may be baked into crackers,often in the form of sticks.
Sesame seeds are even sprinkled onto some sushi style foods but this practice is rarely seen in Asia.
Whole seeds are found in many salads and baked snacks as well in Japan
Mint leaves
Mentha leaf, fresh or dried, is the culinary source of mint.
The leaves have a pleasant warm, fresh, aromatic, sweet flavor with a cool aftertaste.
Mint leaves are used in teas, beverages, jellies, syrups, candies, and ice creams.
Mint was originally used as a medicinal herb to treat stomach ache and chest pains, and it is commonly used in the form of tea as a home remedy to help alleviate stomach pain.
During the Middle Ages, powdered mint leaves were used to whiten teeth.
Mint tea is a strong diuretic.
The strong, sharp flavor and scent of mint is sometimes used as a mild decongestant for illnesses such as the common cold.
Mint oil is also used as an environmentally-friendly insecticides for its ability to kill some common pests like wasps, hornets, ants and cockroaches.
Oregano is a perennial herb which is an important culinary herb,used for the flavor of its leaves, which can be more flavourful when dried than fresh.
Oregano's most prominent modern use is as the staple herb of Italian American Cuisine.
Hippocrates used oregano as an antiseptic, as well as a cure for stomach and respiratory ailments.
Oregano is high in antioxidant activity, due to a high content of phenolic acid and flavonoids.
It also has shown antimicrobial activity against strains of the food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes.
Fennel Seeds
Fennel seeds is a highly aromatic,and flavorable herb with culinary and medicinal uses.
Fennel seeds are sometimes confused with those of anise, which are similar in taste and appearance, though smaller.
In many parts of Pakistan and India, roasted fennel seeds are consumed as mukhwas, an after-meal digestive and breath freshener.
Fennel contains anethole, which can explain some of its medical effects: it, or its polymers, act as phytoestrogens.
Fennel can be made into a syrup to treat babies with colic (formerly thought to be due to digestive upset), but long term ingestion of fennel preparations by babies is a known cause of thelarche.
Ancient Romans regarded fennel as the herb of sight.
Syrup prepared from fennel juice was formerly given for chronic coughs.
It is one of the plants which is said to be disliked by fleas, and powdered fennel has the effect of driving away fleas from kennels and stables.
Black Sesame Seed
Sesame is grown primarily for its oil-rich seeds, which come in a variety of colors, from cream-white to charcoal-black.
The seeds of the sesame are are a good source of calcium.
black sesame seed varieties are roasted and used for making the flavoring gomashio.
Cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper is produced from the capsicum herb,which is a tender,variable annual with branched stem & simple oval,lance-shaped leaves.
It is used for culinary & medical purposes.
It has a tonic & antiseptic effect,stimulating the circulatory & digestive systems & increasing perspiration.
It contains capsaicnoids such as capsaicin,as well as vitamin c,saponins & pyrazines.
It is used internally to improve circulation,for the cold stage of fevers,varicose veins,asthma & digestive problems such as colic,dyspepsia & flatulence.
It is also used as a food preservative in tropics.
There are two forms of cardamom & both are used as flavorings in both food and drink, as cooking spices and as a medicine.
Cardamom has a strong, unique taste, with an intensely aromatic, resinous fragrance.
It is a common ingredient in Indian cooking and is often used in baking in Nordic countries,such as in the Finnish sweet bread pulla or in the Scandinavian bread Julekake.
In the Middle East, green cardamom powder is used as a spice for sweet dishes as well as traditional flavouring in coffee and tea.
Cardamom is used in some extent in savoury dishes.
In South Asia, green cardamom is often used in traditional Indian sweets and in Masala Chai(a special tea).
Green cardamom is broadly used in South Asia to treat infections in teeth and gums.
Its also used to prevent and treat throat troubles,congestion of the lungs and pulmonary tuberculosis,inflammation of eyelids and also digestive disorders.
It also is used to break up kidney stones and gall stones, and was reportedly used as an antidote for both snake and scorpion venom.
Clove is used as a spice in cuisines all over the world.
It can be used in cooking either whole or in a ground form, but as they are extremely strong, they are used sparingly.
Cloves have historically been used in Indian Cuisine(both North Indian & South Indian).
In North Indian cuisine, it is used in almost all rich or spicy dishes as an ingredient of a mix named garam masala,along with other spices, although it is not an everyday ingredient for home cuisine, nor is it used in summer very often.
In south Indian cuisine, it is used extensively in biriyani along with "cloves dish" (similar to pilaf,but with the addition of other spices), and it is normally added whole to enhance the presentation and flavor of the rice.
Western studies have supported the use of cloves and clove oil for dental pain
Sunday, 25 December 2011
A very Arabic dish made up of eggs cooked in a thick tomato sauce with onions and spices...usually served with bread.
2 eggs
4 fresh tomatoes, blended
1 tsp tomato paste
1 tsp paprika powder
1 onion, chopped finely
quarter tsp garlic paste
quarter tsp turmeric
1 green chilli, chopped
2-3 tbsp oil
salt to taste
Heat oil in a small saucepan, then add the onions and fry until transluscent. Add the garlic paste, followed by the blended tomatoes. Add all the other spices and cook on low heat until the tomato sauce has thickened. Break open the eggs and add them to the sauce, season them with a bit of salt n pepper, but do not stir, leave them whole. Cover the pan and cook on low heat for about 5 minutes or until the eggs look set with the yolk slightly soft...or you can cook them until the yolk is well-done, as you like. Garnish with coriander, and serve with warm buttered toast and enjoy!
Banana Fritters
Great way to use up those leftover bananas! These yummy fritters work perfectly for breakfast, or as a snack, or even for dessert!! You can either sprinkle some powdered sugar over them, cinnamon sugar, drizzle them with syrup or honey, or have them with a lovely scoop of vanilla ice-cream.
Recipe: Serves 3-4
3 medium ripe bananas, peeled and mashed with a fork then drizzled with lemon juice to prevent discolouration
quarter cup sugar (more if you like them sweeter but I find this just the right amount coz ripe bananas are already sweet enough and you might drizzle or sprinkle something over them when serving!)
1 egg, lightly whisked
2 level cups flour
1 level tbsp baking powder
2 tbsp rice flour (optional: gives an extra crunch)
quarter tsp salt
half tsp cinnamon powder
half tsp vanilla essence
quarter cup milk
Beat the sugar, egg, vanilla and cinnamon until very nice and frothy. Add the mashed bananas and mix until well incorporated
Whisk the flour with the salt and baking powder, then gently add it into the mixture and stir. Add your milk a little at a time, until the mixture is of a consistency whereby you can pick and shape into balls using a spoon. If you need more than a quarter cup, it's ok...go ahead and add. Don't let the batter get too watery though! :)
Heat some oil in a pan, then gently using two spoons, pick a small amount of batter and ease it into the hot oil. Keep the heat on low coz they get brown very quickly. Try getting the fritters small so that they get done nicely. Once the underside is brown, gently turn them over.
Remove and drain on tissues, then serve with chopped fruits, icing sugar, cinnamon sugar, syrup, honey or ice-cream. Soooo yummy! :D
Spanish Omelette
One of the quickest and most colourful breakfast dishes I know!
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 tomato, diced
1 onion, finely chopped
2 green chillis, chopped (omit or reduce according to your taste)
2 tbsp chopped coriander
quarter tsp garlic paste
2 tbsp milk
salt and pepper to taste
Beat all the ingredients lightly. Heat 1 tbsp of butter or oil in a non-stick frying pan on medium heat and swirl it around to cover the entire base of the pan. Pour the mixture in the pan and do not move the omelette until the bottom is solid/stable. Check to see if the bottom is browned sufficiently, and if so, flip it over to brown the other side. Serve hot with toast and tea! :)
Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls Recipe:
Makes 12
2 and half tsp instant yeast
1 cup warm milk
1/4 cup granulated sugar (if you have a very sweet tooth then double this)
1/3 cup margarine or butter (I use butter)
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
4 cups flour
half cup packed brown sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1/3 cup margarine/butter, softened (I use butter)
2tbsp flour
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup powdered sugar/icing sugar
1/8 cup cream cheese
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
pinch of salt
Knead the dough with all it's ingredients until nice and soft. If it's a bit sticky, don't worry about it. It will come together later on. Put in a bowl, cover and let rise in a warm place about 1 hour or until the dough has doubled in size.
Preheat oven to 180 C.
Roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface, until it is approx 21 inches long by 16 inches wide. It should be approx 1/4 thick.
To make filling, combine the brown sugar and cinnamon in a bowl. (DO NOT DO THIS EARLIER AS IT WILL START MELTING ON IT'S OWN) Spread the butter over the surface of the dough, then sprinkle the brown sugar and cinnamon evenly over the surface. Press down gently with your hand so the sugar sticks to the dough. Then sprinkle 2 tbsp of flour using a sieve so it's a light dusting. This will help absorb any extra moisture from the sugar as the cinnabons are baking.
Working carefully, from the longer side of the rectangle, roll the dough down to the bottom edge, like a swiss roll.
Cut the dough into 1 3/4 inch slices, and place in a lightly greased baking pan. TIP: Don't slice the cinnabons with a knife, it will smoooosh the roll so you won't get that perfect spirally top. Slide a thread...even dental floss will do...under the roll then bring the two ends of the thread to opposite sides like you're gonna tie a knot, and pull....the thread will slice the roll for you PERFECTLY! ;)
Bake for 10-15 minutes or until light golden brown. If you want the buns super crisp on the outside without having them burn or get too dark, cover them with a foil in the last 5 mins of baking so they will keep baking but wont turn colour.
While the rolls are baking combine the icing ingredients. Beat well with an electric mixer until fluffy. When the rolls are done, spread generously with icing and serve warm! Leftovers warm up beautifully in a mini oven toaster or in the micro. ENJOY!!
Pizza Dough: (makes 6-8)
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
3 tbsp oil
1 tsp instant yeast
pinch of baking powder
warm milk for kneading (approx 1/2 to 3/4 cup)
Mix all the dry ingredients and the oil, then slowly start adding the warm milk a little at a time. Get it to a soft dough, the softer the better, knead it very well for at least 8 minutes or more if possible.
Dab a touch of oil all over the dough, then cover it and place it somewhere warm. Leave it to rise to double it's size, takes about 30 mins to an hour depending on the weather.
Once risen, punch it down, give it a quick knead and then divide the dough into 6 or 8 equal balls. Roll out each ball and place on your greased baking tray. Again cover the tray and let the bases rise slightly for about 15 mins.
Now, using the tip of a sharp knife, make small slits here and there all over the base. This helps make sure that the base rises evenly so you won't have awkward looking bubbles all over your pizza!
Apply your pizza sauce, followed by the topping of your choice and then some cheese. Bake at 180 C (in a pre-heated oven) for about 10-15 minutes, or until you see that they are done and the cheese is beautifully melted.
Alternatively, you can bake the bases alone for about 8 minutes, just until they are somewhat solid, then lay them out to cool and put them in a freezer bag to freeze until whenever you need to make a quick pizza, whereby all you will need to do is place your half-cooked base, add the toppings and bake! :)
This can be anything you like. I normally like to make a simple tomato sauce to apply on the pizza base, followed by any toppings like shredded tandoori chicken, keema, steak, etc. I also like to add sweet corn, oregano, thinly sliced capsicum and pineapple pieces especially if am using chicken for the topping.
Here is my simple tomato sauce recipe:
Blend 2-3 tomatoes, 1 capsicum, 1 green chilli, small onion and a grated carrot together until smooth. Heat a bit of oil in a pan, like a tbsp or even less. Then add a bit of garlic paste, followed by 1 tbsp tomato paste. Once that's cooked for a couple mins, add the blended mixture and simmer. Add salt and a pinch of sugar followed by a bit of tandoori masala or cumin powder or oregano or you can just leave it plain and unspiced according to your taste. Let it simmer until thick and all the water is gone. Then use accordingly! :)
For the cheese, my favourites are mozzarella and cheddar coz they give the pizza that fantastic stretchy cheesy quality. YUM! :)
Making a Perfect Pizza: Step 1
Making a perfect pizza is really easy...you can do it at home and have better results than most bought pizzas! Here's how you can make one at home! :)
Prepare the pizza sauce.
You can buy this ready-made, but I always prefer knowing what goes into my pizza sauce. Here is my recipe for a simple pizza sauce. Do not go overboard with the spices, you want this simple and naturally flavourful.
Blend 2-3 tomatoes, 1 capsicum, 1 green chilli, small onion and a grated carrot together until smooth. Heat a bit of oil in a pan, like a tbsp or even less. Then add a bit of garlic paste, followed by 1 tbsp tomato paste. Once that's cooked for a couple mins, add the blended mixture and simmer. Add salt and a tsp of sugar followed by a bit of tandoori masala or cumin powder or oregano or you can just leave it plain and unspiced according to your taste. Let it simmer until thick and all the water is gone. Then use accordingly! :)
PS: Leftover sauce can work perfectly in burgers or sandwiches or even as a base-sauce for pasta.
You can use any topping of your choice. You can make it a meat pizza, veggie, combo...whatever you like. Just make sure your toppings are not soggy otherwise your pizza will be a sloppy mess.
i use tomatoes,onions,coloured capsicum,and tandoori chicken shreded.
Making a Perfect Pizza: Step 3
Now prepare the dough. This pizza was a 12 inch one, and it is enough for 3 very hungry people or 4 if you have any sides like garlic bread, fries, salad...etc.
Here is my standard pizza-dough recipe,
2 and a half cups all-purpose flour
1 and half tsp salt
5 tbsp oil
1 and half tsp sugar
1 and half tsp instant yeast (use 2 tsp for colder climates)
2 pinches of baking powder
warm milk mixed with a bit of water for kneading
Mix all the dry ingredients and the oil, then slowly start adding the warm milk a little at a time. Get it to a soft dough, the softer the better, knead it very well for at least 8 minutes or more if possible.
Dab a touch of oil all over the dough, then cover it and place it somewhere warm. Leave it to rise to double it's size, takes about 30 mins to an hour depending on the weather.
Once risen, punch it down, give it a quick knead and then roll it out to about 12 inches diameter and place on your greased pizza pan/tray. Again cover the tray with a light cloth/towel and let the base rest/rise slightly for about 15-20 mins.
Making a Perfect Pizza: Step 4
When you check on it after 20 mins, it will have slightly puffed up.
Take a sharp knife and make tiny slits all over the base. This helps the pizza rise evenly during baking once the toppings are on it.
Missing this step can leave your pizza bubbly in some parts and flat in others, not a pretty sight! :)
Making a Perfect Pizza: Step 5
Once you've made the slits, apply a coating of your pizza sauce as evenly as you can.
Making a Perfect Pizza: Step 6
Now grate some cheese, mozzarella preferably, and sprinkle a light layer all over. This helps 'grip' the toppings to the base later on.
Making a Perfect Pizza: Step 7
Now add your toppings, one at a time.
Pic 1: Tandoori Chicken chunks
Pic 2: Sliced onions
Pic 3: Pineapple chunks(OPTIONAL)
Pic 4: Red & Green Pepper
Pic 5: Sweet corn- optional
Pic 6: Mozzarella & Cheddar Cheese (make sure you use GOOD QUALITY cheeses for best results)
Make sure you don't over-pile your pizza. Be generous but not overly so. Too much weight could restrict the base from rising well during baking. :)
Remember, the base has not been baked before hand.
Making a Perfect Pizza: Step 8
I like to drizzle some ketchup over the cheese. It gives the pizza a magnificent colour once baked. If you like, you can sprinkle some oregano on the pizza or chilli powder if you like it extra spicy.
Once done, bake the pizza in a pre-heated oven at 180C for about 20-25mins. Keep an eye on it and adjust the baking time according to your oven. It could take more or less time.
Making a Perfect Pizza: Final Result
And you have your perfect home-made pizza, just like that! When you get the pizza out of the oven, give it some time to rest (about 5-10 mins) so that the cheese can settle and cool very slightly. Slice it up into 8 slices and serve with fries or a salad and garlic bread. Don't forget a cold drink!! :D
Making a Perfect Pizza: Step 1
Making a perfect pizza is really easy...you can do it at home and have better results than most bought pizzas! Here's how you can make one at home! :)
Prepare the pizza sauce.
You can buy this ready-made, but I always prefer knowing what goes into my pizza sauce. Here is my recipe for a simple pizza sauce. Do not go overboard with the spices, you want this simple and naturally flavourful.
Blend 2-3 tomatoes, 1 capsicum, 1 green chilli, small onion and a grated carrot together until smooth. Heat a bit of oil in a pan, like a tbsp or even less. Then add a bit of garlic paste, followed by 1 tbsp tomato paste. Once that's cooked for a couple mins, add the blended mixture and simmer. Add salt and a tsp of sugar followed by a bit of tandoori masala or cumin powder or oregano or you can just leave it plain and unspiced according to your taste. Let it simmer until thick and all the water is gone. Then use accordingly! :)
PS: Leftover sauce can work perfectly in burgers or sandwiches or even as a base-sauce for pasta.
You can use any topping of your choice. You can make it a meat pizza, veggie, combo...whatever you like. Just make sure your toppings are not soggy otherwise your pizza will be a sloppy mess.
i use tomatoes,onions,coloured capsicum,and tandoori chicken shreded.
Making a Perfect Pizza: Step 3
Now prepare the dough. This pizza was a 12 inch one, and it is enough for 3 very hungry people or 4 if you have any sides like garlic bread, fries, salad...etc.
Here is my standard pizza-dough recipe,
2 and a half cups all-purpose flour
1 and half tsp salt
5 tbsp oil
1 and half tsp sugar
1 and half tsp instant yeast (use 2 tsp for colder climates)
2 pinches of baking powder
warm milk mixed with a bit of water for kneading
Mix all the dry ingredients and the oil, then slowly start adding the warm milk a little at a time. Get it to a soft dough, the softer the better, knead it very well for at least 8 minutes or more if possible.
Dab a touch of oil all over the dough, then cover it and place it somewhere warm. Leave it to rise to double it's size, takes about 30 mins to an hour depending on the weather.
Once risen, punch it down, give it a quick knead and then roll it out to about 12 inches diameter and place on your greased pizza pan/tray. Again cover the tray with a light cloth/towel and let the base rest/rise slightly for about 15-20 mins.
Making a Perfect Pizza: Step 4
When you check on it after 20 mins, it will have slightly puffed up.
Take a sharp knife and make tiny slits all over the base. This helps the pizza rise evenly during baking once the toppings are on it.
Missing this step can leave your pizza bubbly in some parts and flat in others, not a pretty sight! :)
Making a Perfect Pizza: Step 5
Once you've made the slits, apply a coating of your pizza sauce as evenly as you can.
Making a Perfect Pizza: Step 6
Now grate some cheese, mozzarella preferably, and sprinkle a light layer all over. This helps 'grip' the toppings to the base later on.
Making a Perfect Pizza: Step 7
Now add your toppings, one at a time.
Pic 1: Tandoori Chicken chunks
Pic 2: Sliced onions
Pic 3: Pineapple chunks(OPTIONAL)
Pic 4: Red & Green Pepper
Pic 5: Sweet corn- optional
Pic 6: Mozzarella & Cheddar Cheese (make sure you use GOOD QUALITY cheeses for best results)
Make sure you don't over-pile your pizza. Be generous but not overly so. Too much weight could restrict the base from rising well during baking. :)
Remember, the base has not been baked before hand.
Making a Perfect Pizza: Step 8
I like to drizzle some ketchup over the cheese. It gives the pizza a magnificent colour once baked. If you like, you can sprinkle some oregano on the pizza or chilli powder if you like it extra spicy.
Once done, bake the pizza in a pre-heated oven at 180C for about 20-25mins. Keep an eye on it and adjust the baking time according to your oven. It could take more or less time.
Making a Perfect Pizza: Final Result
And you have your perfect home-made pizza, just like that! When you get the pizza out of the oven, give it some time to rest (about 5-10 mins) so that the cheese can settle and cool very slightly. Slice it up into 8 slices and serve with fries or a salad and garlic bread. Don't forget a cold drink!! :D
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